Tualatin Elementary PTA

​​​What is the Read-A-Thon? 

The read-a-thon is an event that encourages children to become better readers and learners, by nurturing a joy of reading. This will also be one of our largest fundraisers of the year! Students will collect donations from sponsors and have 7 days to read as much as possible, while earning fun prizes for their achievements. 

How Does It Work?

  • Students will set individual reading goals for the 7 days. Students can read to themselves or be read to. They can read books, magazines, newspapers, comics, etc. ​
  • Suggested daily minimum read time: Pre-K-2nd: 20-30 minutes 3rd -5th grades: 40-60 minutes. 

How Do I Get Pledges? 

Ask friends, family and neighbors!

  • Printed pledge form and envelope to collect cash or check
  • PTA Venmo @TualatinElementary-PTA
  • Please address all checks to Tualatin Elementary PTA

Students can get support from friends and family who live near or far, so share your readers goal broadly! Please record all pledges, regardless of type, on the pledge form attached. If your donator chooses to use Venmo, please ask that they include the following information: 

  • Student’s first and last name
  • Grade level & teacher
  • “Read-A-Thon”

Why Are We Raising Money? 

Your support allows the PTA to continue to fund many of the great programs and events at our school, such as: Art Literacy, Classroom supplies, OBOB, family events, field trips, Backpack program, and more. 

What is Our Goal? 

We hope to raise $10,000. If every student can raise at least $50, we can achieve our goal! 


- Pledges are one-time flat donations, not per minute. 

- Pledges are tax deductible. 

- Record all donations on your pledge sheet and put the money in your envelope right away. - ALWAYS REMEMBER TO THANK THOSE WHO DONATE! 

- Acceptable forms of payments are: Cash, Check (Payable to Tualatin PTA), Venmo through @TualatinElementary-PTA. Students do not have to collect pledges to participate, although encouraged, all kids can participate regardless of financial contributions.

Important Dates:

March 3rd – March 7th: 

  • Continue gathering pledges and filling our the reading log
  • Daily prizes for participation with teachers


March 10th – 14th: 

  • Finish collection donations
  • Bring in your envelope and reading log
  • Final day to return packets is FRIDAY MARCH 14th 
  • Class winners will begin to be tallied 


The classroom with the most read minutes will get a visit from Dillon, the Portland Pickle!

 We encourage EVERY student to participate and EVERY student will have a chance to win a prize. 

Individual Prizes: 

  • Receive your first pledge and get an animal eraser.​
  • Raise $25 get a free bundlet from Nothing Bundt Cakes.
  • Raise $50 get a surprise gift card! 
  • Turn in your reading log by March 14th and receive a ribbon.
  • Read 1,000 minutes and get a swag bag!
  • Top Reader and Top Earner each get a surprise gift card!
  •  Complete daily activity worksheets with teachers for a daily prize!

Class Prizes: 

  • 2 classrooms (one from K-2nd and one from 3rd -5th) with the most money raised will get a pizza party!
  • 2 classrooms (one from K-2nd and one from 3rd -5th) with the most minutes read will get an ice cream party!

School Prize: If we can hit our school wide goals of: 

  •  $1,000 - Staff and teachers wear a tu-tu
  •  $5,000 - Music Teacher, Melissa Hinkle, will get a pie in the face! 
  •  $7,500 – PE Teacher, Mr. Hill will get a pie in the face! 
  • $10,000 – Extra Recess and a treat on field day!